Classes and Descriptions
Aerial Yoga Basics- Our introductory class consists of 20 minutes in strengthening poses, 20 minutes in stretching poses, 20 minutes in inversions and savasana. This is typically the same class with some variations of inversions and standing postures. Appropriate for complete beginners to a yoga practice, first time students describe this class as “surprisingly approachable.” No experience required. Bring a friend if it is your first time! You WILL want to talk about your experience after the class!
Aerial Barre-Does your inner dancer want to be toned, lifted, ready to fly? This is your perfect class! Dance techniques are chiseled down to micro-movements and repeated to craft specific muscles. This class is taught at a pretty quick speed so come with your concentration A-game! Get a little sweaty and then enjoy a well deserved savasana in the silk hammock as your reward.
Aerial Yoga Leveled Up!- Our second level class that introduces additional techniques such as pull ups, tucks, flips, inversion variations, tricks. It is recommended students have completed 5-7 Basics classes before attempting the LeveledUp! Class.
Aerial Yoga All Levels-Our one size fits all class that includes variations of poses from the Basics series, opportunities to level poses up, or stay at the Basic level, adding more repetitions. Strengthening poses, stretches and inversions are taught dynamically throughout the class. Expect to push yourself, be courageous in your practice! Prior aerial yoga experience is not required but suggested.
Fit to Fly- This class is your perfect opportunity to focus on conditioning your body for aerial tricks, LeveledUp! and strength! A minimum of 10 classes at AYH are required to participate in this class. If you ar not able to keep up with the sequencing you will be asked to leave. Precision of techniques such as pull ups, tucks, flips, sliding, binding, holding poses in the air are required. If you are wondering if you are up to the challenge feel free to drop in and watch class.
Full Moon Flow/Workshop- Our once a month class is sequenced in full honor of the Earth’s lunar cycle. Typically held the day of the full moon, this class includes unique flow sequences not found in any other aerial yoga class, includes an extended savasana and long holds in poses. Prior experience is not required, this class is suitable for beginners.
Sweet Surrender- This class beckons you sweetly to surrender your monkey mind and your tight muscles to the silk hammock. Typically the silk hammock is dropped about one foot off the floor, poses are done with your body partially in the fabric, partially on the ground. Perfect for pre-natal, geriatrics, students with injuries, arthritis, athletes, this class does not require any prior experience, is appropriate for beginners. Expect to be in luxurious stretch poses for 2-5 minutes at a time, including backbends, forward bends, small inversions, twists and hip openers. Look for this class also offered in a 2 hour workshop!
Tricks!- As the name suggests, this class is one hour of aerial conditioning to prepare for and practice tricks! 5-7 Basics classes are required prior to this class. Because there will likely be flips and inversions it is strongly suggested that you do not eat 2 hours prior to class. Time at the end of class for picture taking is built into the class. If you have had any kind of concussion in the last 6 months Tricks class is not for you. This is a really fun way to bond with friends and family. We suggest bringing a buddy!
Half & Half- Half mat based yoga, half aerial yoga postures make this unique class a great bridge for mat-based yogis who are intrigued how the silk hammock can take traditional yoga postures to the next level. Warrior postures, standing poses, sun salutations and variations of baddahkonasana are woven into a dynamic sequence culminating in a weightless savasana. Prior mat-based yoga experience is suggested, bu not required. This is a great alternative for students who get dizzy or don’t practice inversions regularly. Alternatives to hip hanging inversions are offered so you still get all the delicious benefit of blood flow to the brain and heart!
Yin- The ultimate de-stress tool in your self-care arsenal, this class is partially taught against the wall, on the floor and in the silk hammock. Candlelight glow and soothing music make this a favorite class for students to segway between the hustle of every day life and the space between our thoughts. Decompression to the joints is paramount, props are used to help achieve space in the joints and in the heart. No experience required, this is a great beginners class to your aerial yoga experience.
In order to maintain a healthy, thriving business we need a minimum of 3 people registered, and in attendance, for every class to “make” or occur.
Please register to ensure you have a hammock. If, within 2-3 hours of each class, less than 3 people are registered the class will be cancelled. Emails, text messages and phone calls are made to update students if a class is cancelled.